Somatic Empowerment is a broad system of deep touch, verbal coaching, breath work, movement and tailor-made practice.
This system is based on your uniqueness. It is about finding your individual style of dissolving obstacles and following your flow and passion in life.
These somatic tools enable you to use your energy and focus in the best possible way to evolve and live your life at its fullest. Learn how to access your inner power, and tune into your true purpose. Let go of restrictive beliefs and allow deep release. Transform and flourish – discover how to create your pure, raw Diamond experience of life, where you are the center of it all and can shine bright with love.
The key to all of this is pure, raw somatic awareness – the body as perceived from within. Somatic Empowerment allows us to access our own energy flow physically, mentally and emotionally from the inside out.
At first the experience can be intense and it truly feels like magic. But slowly you understand that just allowing it and doing what it takes in real life will bring you to a new, solid level. This inner power changes your life naturally.
It takes courage to grow beyond our comfort zones. But when we make the leap, we discover the incredible freedom and possibilities that lie within.
Human touch and breath are the most powerful tools for creating awareness and transformation.
Working with full presence, I listen to you at all levels of mind, body and spirit to see what is needed to empower you in each moment. From here, I guide you into clarity and confidence, holding space for you to connect deeply with yourself and find what it is you have been looking for.
Using touch, voice and breath, I reach those places you simply needed to feel and have never been aware of. You will learn that it is you who has the power to create change. You will feel how to access this power directly – and that you are safe, and deserving of it all.
You will understand through your own somatic process what neither your mind nor your body alone could ever perceive. And then, from this space, magic happens. Flow happens. Transformation happens. An inner shift that you feel deep inside your core and that can change your life, right here and now.